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Cybersecurity Consulting

The Top 5 Cybersecurity Training Programs for Your Employees

June 22, 2023

7 Minutes

two people working in dark at computer | top programs available to boost cybersecurity training for your employees

The importance of cybersecurity training and awareness programs for employees cannot be overstated. Cyber threats continue to evolve, targeting businesses of all sizes, making it crucial to prioritize employee education in safeguarding sensitive information.

Delve deeper into the key elements that make cybersecurity awareness training programs effective, such as comprehensive content, interactive formats, customization, and ongoing training, and see why it’s so important to empower your employees and foster a culture of cybersecurity within your organization.

Learn more about what you can do to protect yourself and your employees. Download The State of Cybersecurity for Small Businesses now to get instant access to the complete guide on defending your business from modern threats.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Training for Your Employees

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. As technology continues to advance, so do the threats posed by cybercriminals. This makes it essential for small businesses to prioritize cybersecurity training for their employees.

One of your most vulnerable areas of security is your people. Cybercriminals have become experts in tricking people to expose their login credentials, personal information, company data, and other forms of sensitive information.

Whether it be from phishing scams, false links, malware, or another attack vector, your people need to know what an attack looks like, what to do if they think they’re being targeted, and what to do if they’ve fallen into the trap.

Additionally, most small businesses operate under the mindset that they’re under less threat of being a victim of a cyberattack when the opposite is actually true. Cybercriminals know that small businesses have weaker defenses, making them an easier mark. 46% of cyberattacks impacted businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees and 61% of all small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs) were the target of an attack in 2021.

By investing in employee training, small businesses can create a culture of security awareness and empower their workforce to become the first line of defense against cyber threats.

What Makes a Good Cybersecurity Training Program?

To ensure the effectiveness of cybersecurity awareness training programs, there are several key elements that every good program should have to be relevant and useful when training your employees:

  1. Comprehensive Content: The training program should cover a wide range of cybersecurity topics, including common threats, secure browsing habits, password management, social engineering, and data protection. It should address both technical aspects and behavioral practices to provide a holistic understanding of cybersecurity.

  2. An Engaging and Interactive Format: Training materials should capture employees' attention and promote active learning. Utilizing multimedia elements, quizzes, real-life scenarios, and simulations can make the training sessions more memorable and even fun.

  3. Customization for Different Roles: Employees in different roles within the organization may have varying levels of exposure to cybersecurity risks. Tailoring the training content to specific job functions ensures relevance and allows employees to understand the unique challenges they may face in their roles.

  4. Ongoing and Regular Training: Cybersecurity threats evolve rapidly, so it is essential to provide ongoing training to keep employees updated with the latest trends and techniques used by cybercriminals. Regular sessions, refresher courses, and updates on emerging threats help reinforce cybersecurity practices and maintain awareness levels.

  5. Clear and Concise Communication: Training materials should be presented in a clear and easily understandable manner, avoiding technical jargon as much as possible. Communicating the importance of cybersecurity and its impact on both the organization and individuals' personal lives can help motivate employees to take security seriously.

  6. Continuous Assessment and Feedback: Regular assessments, such as quizzes or simulated phishing exercises, can help evaluate employees' understanding of cybersecurity concepts. Feedback on performance and areas for improvement should be provided, allowing employees to learn from their mistakes and make necessary adjustments in their behaviors.

  7. Clear Policies and Guidelines: Cybersecurity training should be accompanied by clear policies and guidelines that outline expected behaviors and best practices. Employees need to know what is expected of them and understand the consequences of non-compliance.

  8. Inclusion of Real-World Examples: Real-world examples of cybersecurity incidents and their impacts can make the training more relatable and memorable. Sharing case studies or news articles about successful cyberattacks can help employees understand the potential consequences of lax security practices.

By incorporating these elements into cybersecurity awareness training programs, organizations can enhance employees' knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward cybersecurity, thereby improving the overall security posture and reducing the risk of cyberattacks.

The Best Cybersecurity Training Programs for Employees

When it comes to selecting the best cybersecurity training for employees, making informed decisions is crucial for the success of your organization's security initiatives. With a myriad of options available, it's essential to consider certain factors that align with your specific business needs.

This section explores key considerations and guidelines to help you navigate the process of picking the most suitable cybersecurity training programs for your employees.

1. KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is a highly regarded cybersecurity training program that offers a comprehensive range of solutions for employee education. With regularly updated content, their engaging training modules cover various cybersecurity topics.

KnowBe4 also gets hands-on by incorporating simulated phishing attacks and social engineering techniques to provide practical training, helping employees recognize and respond to real-world threats and tracking their success rates.

Their platform offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities to monitor progress and measure the effectiveness of the training. With a very user-friendly interface, customizable campaigns, and ample support, KnowBe4 is a recommended training program for empowering employees with the knowledge and skills to protect against cyber threats.

2. Proofpoint

With a focus on threat intelligence, Proofpoint’straining modules provide comprehensive coverage of cybersecurity topics. Proofpoint equips employees with the knowledge and skills to recognize and mitigate evolving threats, such as phishing, malware, and social engineering attacks.

Proofpoint separates itself from the pack a bit in that it focuses on protecting your brand along with your people and business from threats and risks. This is an important angle to cover because, if you are attacked, businesses must contend with the brand ramifications of a breach like loss of trust and damaged reputations, too.


NINJIO is a cybersecurity training program for employees that offers a unique feature: its engaging storytelling approach, delivering training through animated micro-learning episodes based on real-life scenarios.

By showcasing actual incidents in story-driven episodes, employees gain practical insights into cybersecurity risks and the importance of implementing best practices.

NINJIO's library covers diverse topics and is regularly updated to address emerging threats. The short and concise format allows employees to conveniently fit training into their schedules, promoting better retention.

It also has robust reporting and analytics features enabling organizations to track progress and measure training effectiveness.

4. Cofense

Cofense stands out among cybersecurity training programs due to its specialized focus on phishing defense and employee awareness. Cofense provides in-depth knowledge and practical skills to combat phishing attacks effectively.

Their training includes realistic phishing simulations, offering hands-on experience for employees to recognize and respond to actual threats. Continuously updated content ensures employees stay informed about the latest phishing techniques.

Additionally, Cofense promotes a culture of collective defense, encouraging employees to actively report suspicious emails.

5. Mimecast

Mimecast’s training platform delivers all the usual features that others have but focuses on engagement by using humor and re-occurring characters to make its training videos feel less like training.

All of its modules are quick, simple, and designed to reinforce the key concepts that keep businesses and people safe. They contain real-world assessments, comprehensive reporting features, industry-specific modules, and consistently updated, humor-driven, videos that were developed alongside actual TV and film professionals, along with cyber experts.

Building a Culture of Security in Your Business

Building a cybersecurity culture is crucial for businesses, and awareness training plays a vital role because 90% of all cyberattacks are caused by human behavior or error. Having a well-informed team means fewer people falling for phishing scams, fewer clicked malicious links, and less risk of a breach.

This culture of security across an organization increases employees' knowledge of cyber threats, fosters responsibility, encourages vigilance, and promotes behavioral change. And it’s the training that empowers employees to actively contribute to the organization's security by recognizing and responding effectively to potential attacks.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cybersecurity training is essential for small businesses to prioritize as cyber threats continue to advance. Employees are often the weakest link in security, making it crucial to educate them about common attack vectors and how to respond effectively.

  2. Small businesses are not exempt from cyberattacks. In fact, they are often targeted due to their weaker defenses. Investing in employee training helps create a culture of security awareness, making the workforce the first line of defense against cyber threats.

  3. A good cybersecurity training program should have comprehensive content, engaging and interactive formats, customization for different roles, ongoing training, clear communication, continuous assessment and feedback, and clear policies and guidelines.

  4. Real-world examples and case studies are effective in making training relatable and memorable. Sharing the impacts of cybersecurity incidents helps employees understand the consequences of lax security practices.

  5. Training programs such as KnowBe4, Proofpoint, NINJIO, Cofense, and Mimecast offer comprehensive solutions with unique features, including up-to-date content, simulated phishing attacks, storytelling approaches, and engagement through humor. These programs equip employees with knowledge and practical skills to recognize and mitigate cyber threats effectively.

Knowing is half the battle. Get a better understanding of the threats posed against your small business and what you can do to mitigate these risks by downloading The State of Cybersecurity for Small Businesses.